
A Valuable Secure Protocol to Prevent Vampire Attacks In Wireless Ad Hoc Sensor Networks


An ad hoc network is a group of wireless nodes, in which each node can communicate over multihop paths to any other node without the help of any preexisting infrastructure such as base station or access points. Owing to these feature ad hoc low power wireless networks are capable of sensory and pervasive computing which forms the wireless ad hoc sensor network. Ad hoc require no centralized administration so the network infrastructure can be formed quickly and inexpensive set up is needed. Ad hoc networks are being used in military operation, emergency disaster relief and community networking. An important security issue that has been identified in these networks is resource depletion attack at routing layer protocol. These attacks drain nodes battery power completely, so that the network is permanently disabled. Hence these attacks are termed as vampire attacks. Even as there exist many secure routing protocols, they are unable to protect the network from vampire attacks. So as an attempt to eliminate vampire attacks, three primary contributions has been introduced. i. Evaluation of the vulnerabilities of existing protocols. ii. Quantization of performance of various protocols in the existence of solitary vampire. iii. Modification of existing protocol to deplete vampire attacks.

ఇండెక్స్ చేయబడింది

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