
Ameloblastic Carcinoma-Secondary Type, A Rare Case Report and Distinction from Malignant Ameloblastoma

Rajesh B Dhirawani, Sumit Asrani, Anshalika Agrawal, Sauvik Singha and Kshitij Aggarwal

Ameloblastic Carcinoma (AC) primarily is an aggressive odontogenic tumour, which histologically consist of features of both ameloblastoma and carcinoma. This requires more aggressive surgical approach then its benign counterpart. Malignant Ameloblastoma (MA) microscopically appears benign but shows metastasis. The authors reported an extremely rare secondary type of Mandibular Ameloblastic Carcinoma of a 50 year old Indian male with a complaint of swelling, trismus, significant bone resorption with tooth mobility. This article discussed about the clinical features, radiographic features, management, and histological characteristics of AC and its distinction from MA.

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