
An Enhancement of Security Standards Based On Pseudonyms in Near Field Communication

M. Isaivani, Mrs. T. Sivasankari M.E

Nowadays, numerous mobile terminals have been released into market with NFC which stands for Near Field Communication. The smart devices equipped with NFC have made to improve the effective utility range of NFC. Particularly, NFC electronic payment is expected to take place of credit cards in epayment. Regarding that, it is necessary to direct the attention of security issues in NFC. At present, the security standards make use of user’s public key at a fixed value in key agreement process. The message’s relevancy can be obtained at the public key of NFC. Based on, malicious attacker can form a profile by collecting the required messages which leads to the infringement of privacy of user. The planned work presents conditional privacy protection method based on pseudonyms to overcome the problems mentioned earlier. Two users can communicate to each other based on some set of rules by sending the conditional privacy preserved Protocol Data Unit through NFC terminals. Additionally, the communicating party’s identity can be computed to resolve problem if occurs. The proposal is implemented in hardware using ARM 7processor and NFC readers. It works well in decreasing the update cost and computation overhead by taking the merit of physical characteristics of NFC.

ఇండెక్స్ చేయబడింది

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