
Analysis of the Effect of Aseptik Dispensing on the Workload of Inpatient Nurses, Pharmacies and the Value of Mitra Keluarga Cibubur Hospital

Novi Gracia, Cicilia Windiyaningsih, Ahdun Trigono

The research objective was to find out that aseptic dispensing would make the work of nurses more effective (seen from the workload) on the value of the hospital. Research method with a cross sectional study design and was carried out in inpatient rooms and hospital pharmacy installations in February 2021 with 119 inpatient nurses and pharmacy personnel then analyzed quantitatively. The results of this study obtained a very good knowledge of respondents about aseptic dispensing 92%, because almost all pharmaceutical personnel have attended internal and external training and for nurses because they have received accreditation training. The readiness of human resources, facilities and infrastructure of 88.9% is good even though there are still shortages due to the problem of human resources for pharmaceutical personnel who are still insufficient if applied within 24 hours. Of the variables tested, namely the readiness of tbsp, infrastructure, sterility, safety of staff all related to workload and quality of the hospital. The conclusion is that aseptic dispensing can improve quality because the workload of nurses is reduced, so that the focus is on patient care. Suggestion: Hours of administration of drugs must be carried out in an orderly manner, submission of prescriptions must be clear in writing for the solvent, dosage and method of use in order to avoid errors, shorten time, regular training, SIMRS must be in place in order to facilitate the work of nurses and pharmacies and calculate profits for the hospital in implementation this aseptic dispensing. For a 24 hour application, it is recommended that additional pharmaceutical personnel be added.