
Attitudes of Post-Graduate Dental Residents in Community Health Towards COVID-19 vaccination

Amy Kim1*, Martin Lieberman2, Etienne Franck3, Anna D’Emilio4, Daniel Kane5

Purpose/Objectives: This quality initiative was conducted to assess COVID- 19 vaccine acceptance in post graduate dental residents. This is especially important for oral health care professionals in community health, as they may provide role modeling and motivation for the general public to embrace vaccination. Through the NYU Langone Dental Medicine’s Postdoctoral Residency Programs overarching quality program, this initiative ascertained resident attitudes about COVID-19 vaccines and vaccination prevalence rates.

Methods: All post-graduate trainees of NYU Langone Dental Medicine’s Postdoctoral Residency Programs were invited to participate in the survey, including AEGD, Anesthesia, GPR, Orthodontics, Pediatric Dentistry, and Public Health (N=400). All participants were informed of, and informed of optional nature of survey. Participants self-selected by opting in to the survey, administered through Qualtrix.

Results: The overall response rate reached 292 out of 400 residents, or 73%. 93.49% of survey participants reported having obtained COVID-19 vaccination, were awaiting vaccination, or became vaccinated after initial hesitation. As of those vaccinated voluntarily, by May 2021, 27% (78 out of 292) received the vaccine after, or with, some hesitation. While the majority of the programs’ trainees readily accepted COVID-19 vaccination, with or without initial hesitancy, there were some that refused to become vaccinated at the time of this survey administration. It was an extremely rare occurrence with only 4 out of 292 survey respondents reporting outright vaccine refusal.

Conclusion: Despite COVID-19 vaccination being not mandatory as part of the residency program, high vaccination prevalence rates were reported by NYU Langone Dental Medicine’s Postdoctoral Residency Programs trainees in Graduate Dental Education. This acceptance of non-mandatory vaccination, along with relatively low rates of hesitancy found in this survey of dental residents, is a positive development in the era of the pandemic and fast emerging variants of the Coronavirus. This survey outcome is relevant future planning and projections on trainees’ acceptance of health guidance and recommendations.

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