Barbara Dolaszynska
Systematic chronic inflammatory granulation (SCIG) pathologies in literature have been always linked to anterior uveitis. It’s been almost documented that prevalence of granulomatous ocular pathology increases massively with SCIG diseases. Granulomatous bilateral anterior uveitis is a very rare entity of iris condition and up to date there are incidence of less than eight cases per 100,000 populations in the US annually. Interestingly, all of those cases were predominantly non granulomatous in origin. There are strong evidence presented in literature that uveitis in multiple sclerosis (MS) is related to the immunological pathology that occurs in MS although number of cases in literature do not clearly explain that. Hereby we present a case of 62 years old female patient presented and treated for anterior units multiple times. Bilateral uveitis has a strong impact on her job as pharmacist. Patient is known to suffer stage 2 MS. No other past medical history of significance. Examination revealed Koeppe’s nodules to iris in the right eye which is common in presentation of uveitis in relation to sarcoidosis or tuberculosis. Laboratory investigation shows sights heated AcE and corneal signs of AU. Patient has undergone interferon therapy for MS despite non clarity of action and the dilemmas about it. We present this case due to the rarity of condition in addition to unexplained mechanism of aetiology and treatment hoping that will add more to the literature pool about the topic.