
Bottled Biogas: A new Approach to Renewable Energy

Vinayak R. Gaikwad, Dr.P.K.Katti

Due to scarcity of petroleum and coal it threatens supply of fuel throughout the world also problem of their combustion leds to research in different corners to get access to the new sources of energy, like renewable energy resources. Solar energy, wind energy, different thermal and hydro sources of energy, biogas are all renewable energy resources. But, biogas is distinct from other renewable energies because of its characteristics of using, controlling and collecting organic wastes and at the same time producing fertilizer and water for use in agricultural irrigation. Biogas does not have any geographical limitations nor does it require advanced technology for producing energy, also it is very simple to use and apply. Being site specific, it is not possible to transport and put in use to the extent it is required. This paper presents a proposal to bottle such a gas which can be carried out at the required site as a source of supply for heat and power.

ఇండెక్స్ చేయబడింది

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