
C.A.D.S., for Classification of MRI Brain Tumour Using Decision Tree

VijayaRekha.R, Sudha.S, Sangeetha.J, Shenbagarajan Anantharajan

This project aims at detection of Tumor blocks and classifying the type of tumor using Decision Tree in MR images of the tumor affected patients with Astrocytoma type of Brain Tumor. The proposed technique consists of different stages namely, Preprocessing, Adaptive Thresholding Segmentation, GLCM Feature Extraction and Decision Tree Classification. The Image Processing techniques such as Median filtering, Sobel gradient edge detection, Adaptive Thresholding and feature extraction have been developed for detection of Brain Tumor in the MR images of cancer affected patients. The developed system classifies the images into a Grade of tumor belongs to Astrocytoma type of Brain Cancer. The system is found efficient in classification of these samples and responds on any abnormality noticed and added to it, the system eliminates the need for Biopsy for classifying the tumor grades efficiently

ఇండెక్స్ చేయబడింది

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