
Dual Step-Up Converter Fed with Single Stage CC-CSI with High Voltage Gain

Mahamutha Begum.N,R.C.Dhivya@Ramchella

This work proposes a novel dual step-up converter fed with single stage capacitor commutated current source inverter with high voltage gain. In this context, power electronics performs important tasks making viable the connection of all these kind of clean power sources to the conventional grid and also to the load. This proposed system consists of two input sources, each one connected to two different inductor, being one fed by proton exchange membrane fuel cell and other fed by photovoltaic array. In this PEMFC act as storage system. The main feature of this capacitor commutated current source inverter is it can be switched between buck, boost, and buck-boost configuration. A modified carrier based modulation technique for the current source inverter is proposed to magnetize the dc-link inductor by shorting one of the bridge converter legs after every active switching cycle .This proposed system provide high voltage gain without use of a high frequency transformer which contribute to weight and size reduction in this proposed converter structure.

ఇండెక్స్ చేయబడింది

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