Objective of this research was to determine the effects of different growing materials (soil, peat, cl?±no, perlite, woodshaving and sand) on the yield and quality of coslettuce. These materials, filled in 7 L polyethylene bags, were used as pure (4/4) or as mixture in pairs with the rations of 1/4+3/4, 2/4+2/4, or 3/4+ 1/4, resulting in 51 treatments. The experiment was arranged in a randomized complete block design, with 4 replications, a total of 204 entries. After planting, maintenance and harvest, we measured yield, plant weight, dry matter, number of leaves, width and length of leaves, bitternes, pIant color, and leaf shape. Some earliness was obtained, varied with treatments. Seedlings died shortly after planting in soil + woodshaving combinations. The mixtures of perlite (3/4 or 2/4 ) and cl?±no (3/4 or 2/4) with peat ( 1/4 or 2/4) gave positive and important results