
Efficient and Effective Detection of Node Replication Attacks in Mobile Sensor Networks


wireless sensor networking (WSN) techniques consists of spatially distributed autonomous sensor node to monitor node replication detection .To detect the node replication attacks in mobile sensor networks using two localized algorithms, XED and EDD. Our proposed algorithm can resist node replication attacks in a localized fashion. Note that, the Nodes only need to do a distributed algorithm, task without the intervention of the base station. The techniques developed in our solutions are to challenge and response and encounter number, are fundamentally different from the others. Moreover, while most of the existing schemes in static networks rely on the witness finding strategy is cannot be applied to mobile sensor networks, the velocity exceeding strategy used in existing schemes in mobile networks incurs efficiency and more no security problems. Therefore, based on our node replication challenge and response to encounter number approaches in localized algorithms are proposed to resist node replication attacks in mobile sensor networks. The advantage of our proposed algorithm include 1) Localized detection; 2) Efficiency and effectiveness; 3) Network-wide synchronization avoidance; 4) Network-wide revocation avoidance Performance comparisons with known methods are provided to demonstrate the efficiency of our proposed algorithms.

ఇండెక్స్ చేయబడింది

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