
Histologic Evaluation of Bone Using the Quantum Square Pulse Er: YAG Laser: A Preliminary Study

Cameron Y. S. Lee, Hari Prasad, Kristin L. Lee and Jon B. Suzuki

A recent advancement in the Er: YAG laser is the introduction of Quantum Square Pulse technology (QSP). The laser in QSP mode has demonstrated several advantages in animal studies and human cavity preparations in carious teeth. Advantages of the Er: YAG laser in QSP mode include a reduction in laser beam scattering and absorption of the debris cloud. Most important, minimal thermal damage has been observed in cavity preparations. However, use of this new laser technology has not been reported in osseous surgery procedures such as the harvesting of monocortical blocks of bone to reconstruct the maxilla or mandible in the specialties of oral and maxillofacial surgery and implant dentistry. The purpose of this study was to histologically analyze and compare thermal changes on the bone surface of monocortical blocks of bone harvested from the posterior mandible of two patients using the Quantum Square Pulsed Er: YAG laser (Light Walker AT, Fotona, San Clemente, CA) in non-contact mode and a conventional surgical bur in a high-speed drill in preparation for dental implant surgery. The histological results demonstrated no thermal damage to bone ablated at the specified laser parameters during the osteotomy procedures. Use of the QSP Er: YAG laser has demonstrated advantages over the conventional high-speed surgical drill and should be considered as a surgical instrument of choice in the harvesting of monocortical blocks of bone in preparation for placement of dental implants.

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