
Hybrid Flowshop Scheduling Using Discrete Harmony Search And Genetic Algorithm

S.Karthik, T.Prabaharan

In this paper a hybrid genetic and harmony search algorithm is proposed to find the possible best sequence of operation solutions for hybrid flow shop scheduling problems. In this work the problem is considered with respect to the objective of minimization of makespan. Hybrid flow shop scheduling problem is considered for the sequencing of jobs in a hybrid flow shop with two or more identical machines. At first manual calculation has been carried out for the data collected from literature, by using Gantt chart calculation method with random sequences. Further calculations are carried out for multi machine- multi job in batch size, successively by using genetic and harmony search algorithms. Genetic Algorithms performs a global search with the aim of finding the best alternative with respect to the given criteria of goodness and a local search is improved in this work by using the harmony search algorithm

ఇండెక్స్ చేయబడింది

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