
Implementation of 81 Level Inverter Using Trinary Logic

JansiRani.V , Rahila.J ,Santhi.M

In this present existing power scenario to meet out the demand multilevel inverter technology has emerged recently are very important alternative in the area of high power medium voltage applications. This paper proposes a trinary hybrid 81-level multilevel inverter for medium voltage applications. An 81 level inverter is designed to increase the quality of the output waveform to sinusoidal. Particularly, an 81-level inverter is an optimization in the number of levels for a given number of power transistors in power converters. The proposed topology uses reduced number of switching devices and thus reducing losses and low THD in comparison with the conventional topology. The configuration of the circuit is simple and easy to control. The operational principle and waveforms are illustrated and analyzed. To validate the proposed topology, the circuit is simulated and verified using Matlab /Simulink

ఇండెక్స్ చేయబడింది

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