
Knowledge and Attitude about Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) among Dental Interns

Nazia Qurashi, Laxmikanth Chatra, Prashanth Shenoy, Veena KM and Rachna Prabhu

Aim: The aim of the present study was to assess the knowledge about Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) among dental interns. Materials and Methods: It was a questionnaire based study in which a self-made questionnaire comprising of sixteen, close ended questions was used. The questionnaire was validated by scientific review board, ethical committee of concerned and two senior oral radiologists of the institution. The participants were given required time to mark the appropriate answers and data was subject to statistical analysis. Results: The results concluded that majority of interns were aware about digital imaging and CBCT being an imaging modality in maxillofacial imaging. When questioned about source of knowledge about CBCT, majority of them revealed it to be the faculty lessons. They were also questioned about reason for preference of CBCT over two dimensional conventional imaging modalities and the response was found to be inappropriate for majority of them. Questions about basic mechanism used in CBCT imaging and use of CBCT for TMJ imaging were also asked, for which the response was found to be inappropriate. Few attitude based questions were also asked pertaining to include CBCT in future career and its different applications for which we got a positive response in majority. Conclusion: The study revealed that dental interns had inadequate knowledge about CBCT. When superficial and basic questions were asked the response was good but when asked in depth, the knowledge was inadequate. Moreover, the attitude about use of CBCT was found to be positive.

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