
Modeling of Vector Controlled Induction Motor in Different Reference Frames

P N H Phanindra kumar, D M Deshpande, Manisha Dubey

This paper describes the various mathematical models of both squirrel cage and wound rotor induction motors in different reference frames with different state-space variables. The work suggests the d-q axis unified approach for both types of induction motors by using the state-space analysis and it is a strong tool in the modeling of the symmetrical induction motors. When an electrical motor is represented as a mathematical model with inputs and outputs, it can be analyzed and described in many ways, considering different reference frames and state-space variables. The applications of each model are also discussed. Models are simulated with MATLAB/SIMULINK software for transient response of the squirrel cage induction motor in terms of electromagnetic torque and rotor angular velocity and results are discussed.

ఇండెక్స్ చేయబడింది

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