
Nursing Ethics and Theory: A Synergistic Approach to Ethical Decision-Making

David Thompson

Nursing ethics and theory are the guiding lights that illuminate the moral pathways in healthcare. Ethical decision-making is the cornerstone of nursing practice, ensuring the well-being and dignity of patients. This article delves into the symbiotic relationship between nursing ethics and theory, emphasizing how this synergy equips nurses with the moral compass needed to navigate complex ethical dilemmas, ensuring that patient care is not only effective but also profoundly compassionate. Nursing ethics encompass a set of moral principles and standards that guide the behavior of nurses in their professional practice. Fundamental ethical principles in nursing include autonomy, beneficence, non-maleficence and justice. Nurses adhere to these principles, ensuring that patient rights are respected and care is provided in a manner that is compassionate, safe and respectful of individual choices.

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