
Path Failure Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks

T.S.Raj a, R.Sujatha

The IEEE 802.15.4 standard for lower-power low-cost low-data-rate in wireless personal area networks. A tree topology is used to construct a wireless sensor network for data delivery applications. Data delivery failures occurs the form of mobile node movements and topology changes. The mobile node patterns to reduce the frequency router reconstruction and transmission of data to mobile nodes efficient.To increase the data delivery ratio and mitigate the effects of packet loss caused by the mobile nodes. we propose construction form of cluster based tree, And rumor protocol used to find the optimal path form of each indival nodes, and also used to mesh topology to detect the data failure and the gossip protocol used to communication between the nodes to transfer the information highly effective. we proposed algorithm for Adoptive Parent based algorithm, K-nearest neighbor search algorithm. The effective tree construction form of topology constructed using mobile nodes metric is demonstrated by NS2 simulations against a real-world scenario.

ఇండెక్స్ చేయబడింది

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