
Semi blind Channel Estimation Technique with Pulse Shaping for MIMO- OFDM Systems

R.Muthupriya , R.Jeyanthi, N.Malmurugan

In this paper, a very efficient semi-blind approach is developed with pulse shaped Multiple-Input- Multiple-Output Orthogonal-Frequency-Division- Multiplexing (MIMO-OFDM) systems. In digital communication systems, pulse shaping filters and matched filters are used. When the signal's bandwidth becomes larger than the channel bandwidth, the channel starts to introduce distortion to the signal. This distortion is usually seen as inter symbol interference. To control the Inter Symbol Interference (ISI) the pulse shaping filters are used. The pulse shaping filter is realized in the upsampling domain by a square root raised-cosine filter. By utilizing the knowledge of pulse shaping filters a time domain semi-blind estimation method is developed for the MIMO channel

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