Veena DR, Priya H R, Raheesa M Khatib, and Divya Joythi.
Soilborne diseases are very critical in realizing the yield potential of improved cultivars in several agricultural crops. Often these diseases are very difficult to manage due to their highly heterogeneous incidence and lack of knowledge on the epidemiological aspects of soilborne pathogens. Soilborne diseases of ancient and modern agricultural crops have always had some impact on growth and productivity. Observations and experience passed down through generations gave rise to cultural practices that reduced or minimized the losses to soilborne and above ground diseases, but it was probably rare that anyone in agriculture claimed to “control” the diseases. The expansion in the crop diversity in agriculture has required parallel expansion of strategies to minimize the soilborne diseases. The effective control of the soilborne diseases is possible only through detailed study on survival, dissemination of soilborne pathogens; effect of environmental conditions role of cultural practices and host resistance and susceptibility will play a major role in disease management.