
Teeth whitening Effectiveness of Carbamide Peroxide Gel

Padmini Ravikumar and Sukanya Nagfernandes

The demand for whiter teeth is not only taking the social media by storm, but is also shifting the paradigm of practicing dentistry. It has also made people conscious about the importance of oral health and hygiene. A laboratory experiment was performed using the two most widely explored active pharmaceutical ingredients associated with bleaching, Hydrogen peroxide and carbamide peroxide with various approved OTC (Over The Counter) concentrations. A 6% w/v of Hydrogen peroxide gel and 6% w/w, 10% w/w and 16% w/w of carbamide peroxide gel was formulated and an intensive evaluation was conducted over a period of 14 days using 20 extracted human teeth immersed in Coffee solution (80% caffeine and 20% chicory in hot water and filtered). The extent of discoloration and its prevention was examined using a VITA classical shade guide (A1- D4). This was documented by taking pictures of the teeth after complete staining (baseline) and after application of whitening gel, in various lighting. A comparison was drawn based on the whitening effect produced by the 6% w/v Hydrogen peroxide gel to various concentrations, 6%w/w, 10% w/w and 16% w/w of carbamide peroxide gel. It was deduced that, the 6% w/v of Hydrogen peroxide gel demonstrated a whitening effect equivalent to the 16% w/w of carbamide peroxide gel. The main objective of this study was to determine the concentration of carbamide peroxide gel (known to be less cytotoxic, less corrosive and a safer alternative) demonstrating equivalent effectiveness to a minimum OTC permissible concentration, 6% Hydrogen peroxide gel. Frequency of application and duration are critical parameters that need to be taken into consideration. This article strengthens the option to use carbamide peroxide in place of Hydrogen peroxide as an active pharmaceutical ingredient. This methodical study is a conventional, economical and non-invasive method of whitening teeth.

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