
Six Sigma ��? An Advancement In Management System

Satya Srinivas V, Gayatri A, Mounika G

Though the processes are performing well in industries these days, but their efficiency and quality of output are not meeting high expectations, the most well-known way of doing so is to use “Six Sigma”. Six Sigma was proposed by Motorola in the 1970’s based on the concept of variability on “Germ Theory of Management” of Semmelweis. It forms a profound relation to concept of “process capability”-a process that will produce no more than 3.4 defective parts per million [yield of 99.5%]. Most companies will operate at around 1 to 2 sigma [yield between 31-69%]. In simple words, it resolves the problems of poor quality and increased production costs. In Six Sigma, each step in production is a process. It is used to determine the key variables and relate them to the improvement goals. It is a not a stand-alone methodology, but as a part of an overall Business Strategy.

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