
Bioactivity guided isolation of various extracts of Coscinium fenestratum for Antioxidant activity.

Anitha S, Suresh GS, Ramaiah M, and Vaidya VP

The Plant Coscinium fenestratum belonging to the family stercularaceae contains alkaloids and flavonoids as the chief constituents. In The plant was collected from the region of Kerala and was authentified by Department of Botany in Kerala University. The 50g of crude drug was dried, pulverized and subjected for successive extraction using different solvents like petroleum ether, benzene, chloroform, ethanol, methanol and chloroform water. The extraction was carried out using soxhlet assembly for 6 – 8 hrs. The extract was concentrated and the colour of the extract was noted with the extractive yield. The various extracts were subjected for antioxidant activity using Reducing power method. In this method the increase in the absorbance signifies the antioxidant activity. The ethanol and the methanol extracts showed maximum absorbance 0.916 to 1.113 absorbance at 700nm. Hence these two extracts were selected for the isolation of compounds responsible for the activity. By using ethanol and methanol the extraction was carried out to extract the constituents present in it. The ethanolic extract was packed in column and the compounds were eluted with hexane acetone and glacial acetic acid in the ratio 75:2.0:0.5. The different fractions were collected and subjected for TLC studies. The TLC studies were carried out to find out the new compounds present in the extract. The fractions were spotted on plate with the standard compound known as berberine. The 14th fraction showed two other compounds which are not according to the berberine. Those two compounds were scraped removed and dissolved in solvents separately. Again these compounds were subjected for spectral studies and anti oxidant activity. The reducing power method was used to screen the antioxidant activity. The two compounds were named as CF1 and CF2. CF2 showed more antioxidant activity than the CF1.

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