
Gender Concerns in Education

Ramya Ganta, 

gender differences in educational outcomes, it is important to distinguish between three sets of outcomes educational participation and attainment, that is, how far young women and men go within the educational system educational achievement, that is, how well young men and women perform (for example, in terms of grades) at a given level of the educational system and field of study, that is, the type of course taken within the educational system. The profession of educational leadership has improved significantly. Educators have a better understanding on how and in what ways, educational leadership has contributed in student achievement. An increasing base of knowledge from research and practice has depicted that the primary job of the educational leaders is to put emphasis upon student achievement by formulation of challenging, caring and supporting environmental conditions that are conducive to student learning. They develop and support teachers, create constructive working conditions, allocate the resources in an efficient manner, formulate appropriate organizational policies and systems and get involved in other kinds of in depth and meaningful work, outside the classroom setting. The meaningful work that educational leaders are involved in outside of the classroom and educational institution, has emphasis upon the activities and tasks that are implemented within the institution.